State Grid-led new energy project boosts high-tech development in Huainan

Updated:2024-04-16 15:13 Hits:
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China's first megawatt-hour-level aqueous sodium-ion battery recently completed its testing stage and has entered the production phase.

The accomplishment is said to be a milestone move in the aqueous sodium-ion battery energy storage demonstration project in Shannan High-tech Zone, Huainan, Anhui province.

Led by the State Grid Huainan Power Supply Company, the project is one of the 56 new energy storage pilot demonstration projects recognized by the National Energy Administration. It employs the country's first megawatt-hour-level aqueous ion energy storage device built based on neutral salt aqueous electrolyte. Upon completion of the project, it will validate the entire domestically developed technological chain for aqueous ion batteries in China.

The project has not only accelerated the research and application of aqueous sodium-ion batteries but is also boosting the high-quality development of upstream and downstream enterprises and relevant emerging industries.

On March 31, at a development transformation conference held in Huainan, a manufacturer of aqueous sodium-ion batteries signed a project contract on-site. The project will improve the layout of the upstream and downstream enterprises in the new energy storage industry and then drive the high-quality development of Huainan city.

Amid China's sharpening focus on developing new quality productive forces, State Grid Huainan Power Supply Company said it will propel the construction of a strong grid driven by digital tools, carry out tracking and evaluation of new energy storage pilot projects and continuously conduct research on key technologies for new energy storage.